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How to Apply

The application process is ongoing. Please contact the NUPEDHA office at for details on the submission timelines and anticipated trainee position openings. Note that anticipated trainee position openings can be calculated from the appointment dates for current trainees. Predoctoral trainees may be reappointed annually for up to three one-year terms. Postdoctoral trainees may be reappointed annually for up to two one-year terms.

Application Materials

Interested candidates should submit the following application materials:

  • NUPEDHA Applicant Data Form
  • NIH NRSA Fellowship style Biosketch
  • Letter of support from NUPEDHA mentor (candidates should contact a NUPEDHA mentor to discuss their projects before applying)
  • NIH style Specific Aims for proposed research area/project (one page max)
  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals who know applicant in a professional and/or academic setting (a letter of support from your current mentor is encouraged)
  • Statement of career goals (one page max; applicant should discuss background and current position, professional interests and future career plans)
  • Predoctoral applicants should include Northwestern University graduate school academic record, including courses and GPA (copies are fine; originals sent from registrar are not necessary)
  • Non-U.S. citizens must submit a copy of currently valid Permanent Resident Card (USCIS Form I-551) or other legal verification of such status with their application

It's optional to include any additional relevant documents, such as publications, and additional letters of recommendation.

All application materials should be submitted via email in Word and/or PDF format to with "NUPEDHA application" in the subject line.